Helper Profile

月嫂凤蓓 刘

$7000 per Month
Accepting Job

Female, 55 years old

月嫂凤蓓 刘

55 years old


$7000 per Month
Accepting Job
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Experience (Years)
6 (Taken Care of 78 kids / 1 seniors)
Fluently spoken language(s)
Chinese Mandarin
Child Care
Postpartum Nanny
  • Child Care
  • Senior Care
  • Domestic Care
  • Family Assist
  • Learning
  • Nanny
  • Sitter
  • Postpartum Nanny
  • Daycare Teacher
  • Companion Caregiver
  • Patient Caregiver
  • Cook
  • Cleaner
  • Transportation
  • Housekeeper
  • Personal Assistant
  • Language Tutor
  • Art/Music/Science
  • Health/Wellness
  • Has Driver License
  • Has Car
  • Comfortable With Pets
Reviews (2)
  • Entrusted by others, loyalty should be the minimum requirement for novice parents to find a confinement lady. But Auntie Liu not only fulfilled all the requirements of her duties with dedication, but beyond that, she also completely exceeded our expectations. The specific features are as follows: 1) Aunt Liu has brought more than 140 babies, so she is experienced and scientific in bringing babies. Our baby's colic and flatulence started early. In the past two months, my aunt not only comforted the baby patiently, but also responded to all the big and small problems of the mother during confinement and breastfeeding. And her advice solved the problem right away. 2) Aunt Liu is kind and caring. While responsible for the physical health of the baby and the mother, it can also take into account the mental development of the baby and the emotional management of the mother. Our pleasant relationship in the past two months is inseparable from Aunt Liu's good character who always considers others. 3) Aunt Liu is a generous person and does not stick to the details. In fact, the contract we signed did not include the cost of cooking for grandma and grandpa. But every time they came to visit the baby, Aunt Liu not only took the initiative to cook more, but also prepared a few more dishes or snacks for them to take away. In addition, there are many details in life that can reflect her professional and responsible attitude and care for us, such as buying gastrointestinal medicine for Baoma from China. Our only regret about this period is that the good days were too short, and we didn't know how much work she was doing alone until the confinement lady left. It is recommended that moms and dads who want to invite Aunt Liu should act in advance, because her schedule is really filling up quickly.
    2022-07-29 21:09:03
  • Aunt Liu is a very cheerful and caring aunt. My family has a second child. Aunt Liu not only takes care of the newborn, but also has a good time with my brother. She takes care of everyone's emotions and is very diligent and quick in doing things. In the past month, I have been recuperating very well, and I am in a very happy mood. Aunt Liu also has excellent business skills, especially knowing how to deal with the baby's discomfort, such as not sleeping well, flatulence and colic. Anyway, I highly recommend Aunt Liu
    2022-07-29 21:06:23
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